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ACC Core Values


Jesus first! We trust his Word, follow his lead, and honor him above all.​


Authority of the Bible: We believe that God's will is primarily revealed to us through the Bible, which is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit.​


Holy Spirit directed: We are driven by the Holy Spirit, not by programs, personalities, buildings, or budgets.​


The necessity of prayer: We acknowledge that prayer is vital to our spiritual life and basic to all ministries. We keep it real and fight against the fake.​


Servant leadership: We acknowledge that the true leaders of a church are those who best represent Christ by their word and deed. We live and lead with authenticity.​


Unity of the Spirit: We acknowledge that there is only one Church and that all believers are commanded to love one another. Everybody belongs. We care about the heart, not the appearance.​


Team ministry: We acknowledge that all believers are ministers of Christ and function best when they follow Him and work together.​


Diversity of gifts: We acknowledge that God has uniquely gifted each member of His body and each member is to use his/her gift in serving others. We discover our gifts and grow from consumers into contributors.​


Outward focus: We acknowledge that all believers have been commissioned by Christ to proclaim the Gospel throughout the whole world.

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much."

James 5:16 NASB

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